Accessibility Plan
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 is a multi-faceted piece of legislation that is designed to create a barrier-free Ontario by 2025. Below you will find the organization's detailed multiyear accessibility plan.
1. The Customer Service Standards:
a) Policies, Practices and Procedures
- Establish policies, practices, and procedures on providing financial products and services to persons with disabilities in ways that follow the ideals of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2012
Action Taken: The" Accessibility Policy" is available through the organizations website as well as available upon request. The policy provides the use of assistive devices by persons with disabilities, and addresses access by support persons and service animals. The Accessibility Policy also generally describes our policy on providing notice of temporary service disruptions, and on training on providing our financial products and services to persons with disabilities.
Status: The policy was completed in 2012. Company processes are being reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that processes used by the company continue to be in compliance with the Accessibility Policy.
b) Accessible Customer Service Training
- Ensure that anyone in the organization who provides customer service, or was involved in the development of the policies, has received training on the provision of products and services to persons with disabilities
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2012
Actions Taken: A training policy was created which details how to provide customer service for persons with disabilities as well as includes a formal procedures to follow when providing customer service to those with disabilities. Accessibility training was / is provided to all our employees who provide or may provide customer service.
Status: Completed in 2012 for our current staff at that time. Accessibility training is provided to new staff during their new employee orientation with Human Resources.
c) Feedback Process Regarding Provision of Services to Persons with Disabilities
- Establish a process for receiving and responding to feedback and concerns about the manner in which we provide products and services to persons with disabilities
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2012
Action Taken: A feedback and customer concerns procedure was put into place for receiving and responding to feedback on how we provide customer service to people with disabilities.
Status: Completed in 2012.
d) Notice of Temporary Service Disruptions
- Provide notice of any temporary disruption in facilities or services that people with disabilities usually use to access the company's products and services
- Document the steps to be taken in connection with the temporary disruption in facilities or services
- Provide a copy of that document on request
- Establish policy and procedures regarding provision of notice on temporary service disruption
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2012
Action Taken: A "Disruption of Service Notification" letter was created that will be posted at all entrances as well as the point of disruption. A policy on the "Notice of Service Disruptions" is included in the "Accessibility Policy".
Status: Completed in 2012.
2. Integrated Accessibility Standards:
a) Establishment of Accessibility Policies
- Develop, implement and maintain policies on how we will achieve accessibility through meeting the applicable requirements under the Integrated Standards
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2014
Action Taken: The original "Accessibility Policy", which addressed the requirements of the Customer Service Standard, was expanded to incorporate policies relating to the information and communication standard under the Integrated Standards.
Status: Completed in 2014.
b) Integrated Standards Training
- Ensure training is provided on the accessibility standards in the Integrated Standard and on the Ontario Human Rights Code to every employee, volunteer, and other persons who participate in the development of the policies
- Training should be appropriate to the duties of the employee or other person
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2015
Action Taken: Review the requirements to determine how to best meet the requirements.
Status: In progress
3. Information and Communication Standards:
a) Accessible Feedback / Complaints Processes
- Ensure that any process for receiving or responding to feedback is accessible to persons with disabilities by providing for accessible formats or communication supports on request
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2015
Action Taken: Feedback / Complaints are accepted by email, over the phone, in person or by completing a feedback / complaint form onsite.
Status: In progress
b) Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
- Provide alternative formats or communication supports for persons with disabilities, upon request
- Provide these alternative formats or communications supports in a timely manner and at the same cost charged to other persons
- Consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Identify information formats and delivery methods we currently use. Develop consistent processes for providing or arranging for suitable formats or communication supports, both internally and externally. Determine "timely manner".
Status: In progress
c) Accessible Websites and Web Content
- Make internet websites and web content conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA AODA Compliance Date:
- January 1, 2014: All new or significant refreshed internet websites must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level A
- January 1, 2021: All internet websites must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA
Action Planned: The marketing department is monitoring our current websites and will be sure to conform to the AODA requirements when performing a substantial update or creating a new website. All websites will meet the requirements by 2021.
Status: In progress
4. Employment Standards:
a) Recruitment, Assessment and Selection Process:
- Notify employees and the public about the availability of accommodations for applicants with disabilities in the recruitment processes
- Notify selected job applicants during the recruitment process that accommodations are available upon request in relation to materials or processes to be used
- If, during the recruitment process, a selected applicant requests an accommodation, consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for the provision of a suitable accommodation that takes into account the applicant's accessibility needs
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Applicants will be notified about accommodations during the recruitment process (job postings, interviews, etc.) For example a "We are committed to providing accommodations for persons with disabilities. If you require accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs".
Status: In progress
b) Notice to Successful Applicants:
- When making an offer of employment, notify the successful applicant of our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: We are reviewing current recruitment and hiring practices and the requirements of the Integrated Standards to determine how we can best meet this requirement before the AODA compliance date.
Status: In progress
c) Informing Employees of Supports:
- Inform employees of our policies to support employees with disabilities, including policies on the provision of job accommodation
- Provide new employees with this information as soon as practicable after they begin their employment
- Provide updated information whenever there is a change in policy
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Policies to be created and implemented. Policy will be distributed to all current employees and signed and returned to HR. Employment Standards Policy will also have to be incorporated with new employee orientations.
Status: In progress
d) Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees:
- On request by an employee with a disability, consult with that employee to arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for information that is needed to allow that employee to perform his or her job and information that is generally available to employees in the workplace
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Review format of Job descriptions, MSDS, New Employee Forms, Orientation package, as well as other forms used by the employee day to day. Decide on the best options of accessible formats to offer.
Status: In progress
e) Workplace Emergency Response Information:
- Provide individualized workplace emergency response information to each employee who has a disability if that employee needs it and the employer is aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee's disability
- Provide the required emergency response information as soon as practicable after the employer becomes aware of the need for an accommodation due to an employee's disability
- Review individualized workplace emergency response information when required
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2012
Action Taken: Employees, who require it, will be given an individualized workplace emergency response plan to suit their needs.
Status: Completed
f) Documented Individual Accommodation Plans:
- Establish written processes for the development of a documented individual accommodation plan for employees with disabilities that meets the requirements described in the Integrated Standards
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Create individual Accommodation Plan template.
Status: In progress
g) Return to Work Process:
- Develop and have in place a documented return-to-work process for employees who have been absent from work due to disability and require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work
- Return to work process must outline the steps the employer will take to facilitate the return to work of these employees and use documented individual accommodation plans
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Review the current return to work process to ensure it meets requirements.
Status: In progress
h) Performance Management:
- In performance management processes, take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans
- Performance management in this context means activities related to assessing and improving employee performance, productivity and effectiveness
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Review annual employee performance review process.
Status: In progress
i) Career Development and Advancement:
- Take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans when providing career development and advancement opportunities to employees
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Review current processes and determine how persons with disabilities can access and apply for advancement within the organization.
Status: In progress
j) Redevelopment:
- Take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans when reassigning employees within the company as the result of the elimination of a particular job or department
AODA Compliance Date: January 1, 2016
Action Planned: Review current processes
Status: In progress